Guardians: The Girl by Lola StVil‏

Lola StVil is a Haitian born writer and actress.

She lives in Hollywood, CA and welcomes online interaction with readers. Lola was seven when she first came to this country from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She attended Columbia College in Chicago, where her main focus was creative writing. In addition to plays, she also writes screenplays and short stories.

She has been commissioned to write for ABC, CBS and Princeton University. She won the NAACP award for her play "The Bones of Lesser Men". In addition to being nominated for LA Weekly awards. Her work has also received positive reviews from The LA Times, Variety and LA Weekly. This is her first novel.
Twitter @guardiansgirl
Instagram @authorlolastvil

The prophecy says I will fall in love with team leader and Angel, Marcus Cane. The prophecy also says that our love will cause his mission to fail and end the world.


This human is not worried. Why?

Because I do not intend to fall in love with Marcus.

The truth is I hate him. I hate his warm brown eyes with flecks of gold, his chiseled face and broad shoulders.

I hate how over protective he is just because a few thousand demons are after me.

In fact, I couldn't care less about Marcus or his perfect telekinetic girlfriend.

And when I see him holding her, I don’t die a little inside…

Book Trailer
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Q) What inspired you to write this story? 
I just had this story in my head of what the world would be like if angels and demons existed, were teenagers and had powers. And I recognized Emmy, the lead character. She is just a girl who wishes her life were more exciting, had the confidence to be adventurous, and had importance. I was a lot like that when I was a teenager. I think a lot teens are.

Q) How long did it take you to write? 
It took about 2 years. I would start and stop and start again. I would get scared or intimidated and put the notebook away. Then, finally, I built up the courage to let my best friend read some of what I had written, and she refused to let me stop.

Q) What is your favorite thing about writing? 
There’s so many things I love about writing. The draw of fantasy and fiction; being able to create an entirely new world, new paths, new elements to life. I love the characters; meeting these people and discovering their personalities, fears, loves, interests, everything. It’s a way for me to meet new people. That can be just as scary as meeting them in real life because I never know where they’re going to take the story, what impact they will have on characters or the story as a whole.

Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing? 
Saying good-bye. Everything comes to an end or a close at some point. It can’t go on forever. When I finished ‘Guardians,’ it was hard saying good-bye even though I was ready to do something new. I had gotten to use to hearing their voices, seeing their faces, recognizing their personalities. I knew them and it was really scary to start over with new characters and a new plot and know I wouldn’t be ‘seeing’ them anymore.

Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why? 
Kerri Washington. It’s obvious. She’s beautiful, with an amazing job with an amazing role.

Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it? 
Mustard. Mustard doesn’t expire does it? I don’t think so. I’m sure it’s still fine. I don’t really remember buying mustard so I don’t know when it got there.

Q) What can readers expect from you in the future? 
More cliffhangers, more tears, more laughs, more upsets, more turmoil. Definitely more ’Why, Lola?! How could you?!’ But definitely more love and depth.

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