Chandrea: The Return of the Avatar Queen by Marlene Wynn

Marlene Wynn is a Utah native - fondly referred to as "Utonian" by a friend. She transplanted herself in 1992 from the majestic Rocky Mountains to the beachy shores of sunny Virginia Beach, Virginia and has been there ever since. Though she has worked in the benefits field for several years, she finally worked up the courage to chase her dream as an author.


Chandrea Averill thinks she’s just like any other normal young woman. But, on the day of her 23rd birthday, her life changes forever. Surrounded by magical creatures, dangerous sorcery, and insidious political intrigue,

Chandrea desperately wants to return to Earth and the only life she’s ever known. But, the longer she stays, the more she realizes that she may be the only one with the power – both magical and political – to save the people of Lyrunia.

Will she find the courage to remain and fight for her home world?

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Q) What inspired you to write this story?
A) Its strange…Initially, I wasn’t inspired to write the story so much as I felt challenged to simply write. Not to brag, but I’ve always known that I am fairly decent with the written and spoken word. But, when I attempted to draft documents for work, my bosses always red-lined 90% of what I wrote before I was allowed to send things out. It was extremely frustrating to me, as I knew that there was nothing wrong with what I’d written…it was just too long and had too much extraneous detail for them. One day I found myself at my computer just wishing I could write something for pleasure instead of business. Something where length and extraneous detail were not only accepted but encouraged! And, from that, Chandrea was born.

Q) How long did it take you to write?
A) My 1st novel took a lot longer to write then my 2nd – four years compared to one year. I’d never written anything like this before, and it took a long time to work up the courage to take the full plunge of becoming an author. And, at times during the writing process, I would get stuck inside the plot and had to step away for a while to work out where I needed the story to go and why. Once I started working on my 2nd novel, everything started flowing much easier and the writing just happened!

Q) What is your favorite thing about writing? A) The freedom and the creativity. I’ve always been a very “crafty” person, working on painting, ceramics, crochet, etc. When I put my creative efforts into writing though, literally, new worlds opened up. Not only could I create new people and places, but I had to work really hard to come up with good, solid story lines and time lines that meshed together. It is really fun! J

Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing?
A) How long it takes to find out what will happen at the end!

Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why?
A) Before the tragic loss of her beautiful voice, I’ve always loved to listen to Julie Andrews sing. If I could be anyone for a day, I would love to be her, back in her prime. To know the freedom of singing with such power, confidence, and grace.

Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it?
A) I have two bottomless-pit teenagers who constantly eat me out of house and home. The oldest thing in my fridge? Condiments. LOL

Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?
A) I have already completed the 2nd book in the Averill Series and it is being edited now! I am working on the outline of the 3rd book and will dive in to the writing of it soon!
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